Day 3! This session we started out with resetting our minds back to a beginners mind. Just sweep everything you thought you knew about yoga out of your mind & start with a new slate. When we allow our selves to think with this mind set, it allows us to open up to all possibilities!
Now I know the last entry, I went pretty in depth about what we did in the session. Almost step by step. There will be some entries that I will explain a lot, and some I will just give a brief description as well as sharing my own personal experience. I do provide the featured video in the bottom of each entry, please feel free to try it out & open your mind up to new possibilities. Create your own personal experience! This session is focused on checking in on your balance & being able to understand how to connect with your core center.
The exercise she starts out with its just one to keep you mindful of how your body naturally moves. Standing in mountain pose, I began to lift my legs one by one up towards my chest. With this movement, I noticed my body naturally wanted to sway a little in the direction of the leg that was pressing into the earth. You have to try to remember to keep your body center. An easy way to focus this is by keeping your head over your heart & your heart over your pelvis. Another thing I came to realize is if you are having a hard time balancing, just keep focus on a spot on the wall or floor. Following this, we moved in to a few more poses focusing on our balance.
Now this next position definitely started to work out your abs a little bit. We sat and lifted our legs bent, balancing on our sit (butt) bones. We then transitioned into extending one leg out, while reaching our hands out to the opposite side. She explains that you should be extending your arms as if you are holding Simba out over Pride Rock. Yeah, Disney nerd right here! No wonder I like her as an instructor. This was a little tough but, I got through it. No giving up here!
Now ending this session out, we went back to sitting mode with our feet on the floor. She then had us roll back and forth from sitting up position, and back down with our backs on the floor and our legs extended up. I remember as a kid, I would do this and balance on my upper back with my legs straight in the air for as long as I could. This portion of the session soon became a laughing match between my partner and I, all because she told us that if we wanted to try & roll back into a pile pose we could. A pile pose is where you roll back with your legs extended back above your head. So....I tried it. LOL. Basically, I lost balance & rolled sideways right into my boyfriend. All in all it was a great session full of learning & laughs. I made this meme in honor of today's practice. :) Thanks for checking in!
Day 3 - Forget What You Know
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