Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 6 + 7 ~ Six Pack Abs! + Total Body Workout

   Heading into day 6, we reach a more intense yoga session. That's right....SIX...PACK...ABS! Dun Dun Dun! Lol. When I saw this as the caption, I was most definitely not ready for it. But come on, it's only bad can a yogi ab workout be?! Well... after waking up the next day with my abs feeling shredded, I would like to retract that statement. Never have my abs hurt so much from a work out! But please keep in mind, any pain from yoga or exercising in general, is ALWAYS good pain! It just means you are having, and beginning a positive transformation!

   Starting this session off, we first made sure we had our mats laid out right, water by our side & our yoga blocks! (Which came in super handy for this practice.) If you do decide to try this one out & don't have a yoga block, feel free to just use your imagination (or a few Harry Potter books!) We began in a flat back position to the mat, hugging the legs into the chest, followed by extending the legs up into the air and positioning our hands behind the head, fingers crossed. Now this is where we were allowed to use the yoga block, She told us to position it between our thighs, which allowed us to focus on making sure our legs would stay strongly positioned in this next move. We then lifted our head and shoulders forward while making sure we were keeping our shoulders flat, and elbows wide. She reminded us to not do so much of a crunch motion, but imagine that we had a beautiful piece of fruit being held beneath our chin and chest, allowing our head to stay strongly facing up while we kept our upward movements nice and easy. This particular ab work out was probably my favorite one of the session. :)

The next sequence was, I must say...the hardest one for me to keep up with. We started out laying back to the floor, bringing our knees back up over the hips, then extending the right leg out. As we extended the right leg out, we brought the block under the left and then we switched. So we imagined we were bobbing a basketball back and forth under our legs, She gave us 2 other variations we could do as well, which I like. Who doesn't like options?!

   You would think we had enough wouldn't you?! Nope! We were still pumped up and decided to dig our heels into day 7 as well! This session allows you to open up your side body and get that heart rate going, while you build strength! It really just takes you through repetition sequence from downward dog, vinyasa & warrior. While in warrior 1 pose, we learned a new term and movement with our arms called garudasana. While staying in Warrior 1, we drop the right arm underneath the left and brought the palms together, then lifting  the elbows up and finger tips reach out. It was interesting to try to focus on doing that while still balancing in Warrior 1.

Ending both sessions, we allowed our selves to to head into shavasana. Also known as, corpse pose or relaxation/mediation. After 2 intense sessions, it was definitely important to do. I look forward to going back and doing day 6 again to strengthen my core and abilities.

Be sure to check out the videos below!
Namaste :)

Day 6 ~ Six Pack Abs

Day 7 ~Total Body Yoga

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