Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 9 ~ Full Potential Detox Practice

    Day 9 and feelin' fine!!! This session was definitely a little tougher than the previous ones. I do have to admit that I was not in a yoga mode at all. I was perfectly fine just sitting down & working on my blog in my pj's while drinking a beer. My to do list was fresh in my mind and I didn't want to take time away from getting this blog on a roll & out for people to read. It's pretty much been my life for the past 3 days! My boyfriend convinced me that we needed to do it & he wasn't feeling it either but no excuses! (Man, he really knows how to get me to do things that I don't want to do.) So, I huffed aaand I puffed aaaand I put the computer down! :)

   With that being said, Day 9 finally began. This session revolved around a full body detox - yoga style. It can help with your digestive system if your feeling a little bloated or anything that might be wrong with your stomach.

    We began on our backs, focusing on relaxing and getting ready for this practice. Now, what I thought was funny is that she somehow knew how I was feeling and made it a point to say, "Just put away the to do lists and put away the day thus far & just ease into this present moment." I immediately just looked up at the ceiling and thought,"Crap, How does she know?!" This allowed me to realize that I needed to take this next 25 minutes and just focus on me and let everything else go for now.

   She had us sit cross legged on the mat and move our arm back behind us to get a nice, good stretch. With this, she told us to shout something, as if we were shouting it off a mountain top. My boyfriend twisted a little more and decided to shout, "Holy Shit!" Right at that moment, Adriene said, "Make sure its something positive, like I love my life!" We both laughed and he actually apologized to her. After a good chuckle , we proceeded to do our usual transition of downward dog to lunge. I noticed that I have improved my ability to swing right into lunge with my right leg but still am having a little trouble with my left. I now know that is something I need to work on! She then led us into high lunge (basically lunge with your arms raised straight into the air and back heel lifted up.) She had us pulse up and down on our back leg while keeping the front leg still and strong. This was a little hard. Next we  added a twist to this lunge. Twisting essentially means bringing your opposite elbow to the outside of your front leg, then making a fist with your other hand directly into the palm. All while keeping the elbow nice and pointed towards the sky.

To end out the session, we moved into a utkatasana twist or chair pose twist. This is a move that will strengthen the thighs, butt & hips, as well as one of the best poses to help detoxify the body. Utkatasana Twist is where we stand with out legs together and bend our knees, as if we are sitting in a chair. We then lifted our arms into prayer mode and twist to the side, holding it there for a good 15 seconds. This doesn't seem like to long, but when you're actually doing it, it's pretty difficult! I kept losing my balance and at one point I even fell. But I got back up. Never give up! Once we were finished, I had found that I definitely sweat and felt the burn in my thighs. I am excited to go back to this video later on and see how I have improved.

Now its you're turn to feel the burn! 
Namaste :)  

Day 9 ~ Full Potential Detox Practice


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